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Published: 2021-03-08

The Effect of Counseling and Training on Public Knowledge About Making Handsanitizer from Betel Extract

Devi Ristian Octavia, Dian Nurafifah, Primanitha Ria Utami, Dimas Prayogo Pangestu | Pages: 8-16

Fasting Gastric Acidity Evidential Effect on Esophageal Mucosal Damage

Achnes Pangaribuan, Iga Suryadarma, Wira Gotera | Pages: 17-21

Analysis of Mixed Method of the Effect of Dating Status on Sexual Behavior in Adolescents Grade XI at SMAXYZ Medan

Relevancis Krista Zagoto, Mangatas Silaen, Ivansri Marsaulina Panjaitan | Pages: 45-53

Mixed Infection of Vivax and Falciparum Malaria with Severe Manifestations of Malaria at the General Hospital of the Christian University of Indonesia: A Case Report

Reinaldi Octabiano G, I Nyoman Yesaya C, Zega Agustian, Yessi Setianegari, Christian Egia S, Dina Sari D, Kurniyanto Kurniyanto | Pages: 28-32

Localization on the palmar face of the hand of a Darier-Ferrand dermatofiborosarcoma. About a case

Razaka AI, Jean Baptiste Ramampisendrahova, Rohimpitiavana HAS, Razafimahandry HJC | Pages: 65-69