Performance Measurement Using MBNQA (Malqolm Baldridge National Quality Award) Criteria at Makassar Islamic Hospital

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Muhammad Ade Rivandy Ridwan
Fridawaty Rivai
Lalu Muhammad Saleh


The application of improving the quality of service is very much needed in this era of globalization. Malcolm Baldrige Criteria for Performance Excellence-(MBCfPE) better known as the Baldrige Criteria is one method that can provide a solution to this problem. This study aims to analyze the implementation of Total Quality Management using the MBNQA criteria at the Isalam Faisal Hospital in Makassar. This type of research is a quantitative research using an observational study with a cross sectional study design. Collecting data in the form of a questionnaire. The sample in this study were all staff and leaders at the Faisal Islamic Hospital in Makassar, amounting to 258 respondents. The results showed, based on MNQA calculations, Faisal Islamic Hospital Makassar was at the Igood Performance level with a value of 738. The final conclusion of measuring the performance of Faisal Islamic Hospital Makassar with this score illustrates that the performance of Faisal Makassar Islamic Hospital is still not good. Therefore, proactive planning needs to be made and implemented, not only reactive to problems. It is suggested to the hospital management that it is necessary to conduct an evaluation using the PDCA cycle method, so that the strategic plan that has been made can be carried out effectively.


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Ridwan, M. A. R., Rivai, F., & Saleh, L. M. (2022). Performance Measurement Using MBNQA (Malqolm Baldridge National Quality Award) Criteria at Makassar Islamic Hospital . Journal of Asian Multicultural Research for Medical and Health Science Study, 3(3), 16-24.


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