Teenagers Premarital Sex in Bima

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Ainun Jariyah
Arliatin Arliatin
Hartati s
Asrida A


Premarital Sexual Among Adolescents In Adolescence is a time where one individual's experience of transition from one stage to the next and a good change of emotion, body, interests, behavioral patterns, and also full of problems. This resulted in changes in attitudes and behavior, such as starting to notice the appearance myself, became interested in trying to attract the opposite sex and show feelings of love, which would then arise sexual urges. This study aims to determine the cause of premarital sexual among adolescents in Bima. This study uses qualitative methods through in-depth interviews. This study shows that the source of information on youth knowledge about sex before marriage is dominated by peers through the stories and discussions among them. This study also shows that most teenagers have sex before marriage at home when they are in the situation and condition of the empty house without the supervision of parents and a small part in the hotels and boarding houses. The results suggest that parents need to improve their oversight of adolescent attitudes and behavior through intensive communication and quality without restricting the rights of children to interact with their environment and the need for the role of Education Department in the development of adolescent reproductive health curriculum. For Public Health Service need to maximize the adolescent reproductive health services through the Adolescent PKPR friendly approach involving teenagers themselves


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How to Cite
Jariyah, A., Arliatin, A., s, H. ., & A, A. (2022). Teenagers Premarital Sex in Bima. Journal of Asian Multicultural Research for Medical and Health Science Study, 3(2), 50-58. https://doi.org/10.47616/jamrmhss.v3i2.277


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