Marketing Mix Analysis on Outpatient Satisfaction at Medan Haji General Hospital
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Quality health services cannot escape the reality of the importance of maintaining patient satisfaction, including in handling complaints submitted by patients. Professional and good hospital services to patients will benefit the hospital and have an impact on the increasing number of patient visits for treatment at the hospital. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between the mix of pice, place, people and process with patient satisfaction at the hospital. General Hajj Medan. This study uses a quantitative method with a cross sectional design, with a sample of 74 respondents. This research uses a questionnaire.The research time is February-November 2021 as a follow-up to the end of the research. The analysis of this study used Univariate, Bivariate and Multivariate. The statistical test used is the chi square test and longistic regression. The results of the study regarding the effect of Price (P-value 0.002), Place (P-value 0.007), People (P-value 0.006), Process (P-value 0.002), based on binary linear regression test price, place, people and process are variables which affects the satisfaction of outpatients at the Medan Haji General Hospital. The conclusion in this study shows that there is a significant influence between linear price, place, people and process with outpatient satisfaction at the Medan Haji General Hospital. related to effective patient management), providing cost leeway for underprivileged patients, compiling an organizational structure according to duties and education as well as adjusting the hospital organizational structure to the type of Medan Haji Hospital.
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