Spread of Local Transmission Virus That Causes Health Problems From Public Transportation

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Cadeo Canh Bao
Due Bihn


Public transportation and infrastructure are particularly prone to becoming a hub for the spread of Covid-19. It is a challenge that must be overcome due to the high mobility of people who use public transit. The Corona virus is primarily disseminated via droplets when liquid drops out and enters the mouth, nose, or eyes. Covid-19 droplets, on the other hand, can adhere to the surface of objects for an extended period of time. The virus is spreading more rapidly via local transmission. In other nations, 90 percent of those infected with Omicron appear to be asymptomatic at the moment. Or if the symptoms are mild to severe in character. For instance, influenza, a general malaise, a mild fever, a mild cough, and painful swallowing. As a result, it poses a significant hazard to public health.


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How to Cite
Bao, C. C., & Bihn, D. . (2022). Spread of Local Transmission Virus That Causes Health Problems From Public Transportation . Journal of Asian Multicultural Research for Medical and Health Science Study, 3(1), 18-22. https://doi.org/10.47616/jamrmhss.v3i1.233


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