Psycho-Wellness Blueprint: Crafting Personalized Mental Strategies for Physical Health Optimization

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Ligaya Taliana


This study looks at how a new method, the Psycho-Wellness Blueprint affects improvement in mental and physical health results. The study uses a full method that combines mental plans made for each person's needs. In a study with 300 people, the research used statistics and math to look at how mental health (measured by PHQ-9 scores), weight levels (BMI) moved together along with mindfulness. The results show big connections, showing that losing more weight is connected to a large drop in feeling sad. The research shows how joining different approaches can help make overall health better.


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How to Cite
Taliana, L. (2024). Psycho-Wellness Blueprint: Crafting Personalized Mental Strategies for Physical Health Optimization. Journal of Asian Multicultural Research for Medical and Health Science Study, 4(3), 9-18.


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