Holistic Health: Integrating Psychological Factors for a Balanced Life

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Bianca Locsin


This examine investigates the combination of psychological elements into holistic fitness practices and its implications for universal health. A blended-methods technique related to a hundred and fifty individuals become employed, combining based interviews and self-administered surveys. Descriptive information revealed slight perceived strain levels (M = three.2), moderately high emotional intelligence (M = 75.6), and frequent mindfulness practices (M = four.2 days/week), alongside a high endorsement of advantageous psychological trends (M = eighty-two.3). Correlational analyses highlighted tremendous relationships, along with the bad correlation between perceived pressure and emotional intelligence (r = -0.Forty five, p < zero.001) and the positive correlation among emotional intelligence and high quality psychological developments (r = zero.Forty three, p < 0.001). Thematic analysis of qualitative statistics furnished intensity to stress management, emotional intelligence, mindfulness, and effective psychology reviews. The integration of qualitative and quantitative findings complements the observe's validity, imparting complete insights into the complicated dynamics of mental factors in holistic health practices.


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How to Cite
Locsin, B. (2024). Holistic Health: Integrating Psychological Factors for a Balanced Life . Journal of Asian Multicultural Research for Medical and Health Science Study, 4(3), 19-26. https://doi.org/10.47616/jamrmhss.v4i3.452


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