Chrono-Psychobiology: Aligning Daily Rhythms for Enhanced Mental and Physical Performance

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Maine Salvador


This studies delves into the complex relationship among circadian rhythms and cognitive overall performance in the realm of Chrono-Psychobiology. A diverse pattern of three hundred members underwent a complete assessment, which include cognitive assessments and continuous tracking of circadian stages. Descriptive records highlighted wonderful styles in cognitive performance across morning, afternoon, and nighttime circadian stages. Correlation analyses discovered a vulnerable tremendous correlation (r = 0.23, p < zero.05) between circadian segment and cognitive performance, suggesting a temporal have an impact on on cognitive abilities. Multiple linear regression, accounting for age as a confounding variable, indicated a widespread impartial contribution of circadian phase to cognitive performance (Beta = four.25, p = zero.008). These findings emphasize the importance of thinking about circadian rhythms in understanding and optimizing human cognitive capabilities. Practical applications span education, workplace practices, and healthcare interventions. Despite limitations, this observe contributes treasured insights into the temporal dynamics of cognitive overall performance.


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How to Cite
Salvador, M. (2024). Chrono-Psychobiology: Aligning Daily Rhythms for Enhanced Mental and Physical Performance . Journal of Asian Multicultural Research for Medical and Health Science Study, 4(3), 27-33.


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