HIV-Related Knowledge and Health Care Seeking Barriers among Transgender Individuals in a Megacity of Bangladesh: A Cross-sectional Study
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HIV-related knowledge and health care seeking barriers among transgender individuals in dhaka city. This was a cross-sectional study purposively selecting 135 transgender from Drop-in-center and three Hijra pollis of Dhaka City. Data was collected using a semi-structured questionnaire containing a Likert scale regarding HIV-related knowledge. Majority were professional sex sellers including 54.10% having irregular sexual clients while 48.9% had been engaged in sex work for more than 10 years. Although more than half (57%) had good HIV-related knowledge. Only one-third (37.30%) sometimes used barrier method and more than half (58%) had knowledge of HIV symptoms. The barriers were negligence (16%), inconvenient location (12.43%), shame (13.45%), judgment (11.68%), fear (7.60%) and long waiting time (8.10%). Transgenders from Drop-in-center had higher HIV-related knowledge compared to ones from hijra pollis [t (95% CI)=.168, p<.001]. Those having HIV-related higher knowledge did not feel the necessity of isolated health corners [t (95% CI)= -3.799, p<.001]. Although DIC provides healthcare services, but existing facilities barriers need to be addressed to extend health services.
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