Impact of Medical Waste Socialization on Medical Waste Management in Health Services Facilities
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It is important to disseminate information about medical waste in health care facilities to provide knowledge and skills for paramedics, patients and the general public so that medical waste generated from each service facility can be managed properly and in accordance with applicable laws. When viewed from the amount of medical waste originating from health facilities, it is estimated that it will increase over time. The reason is that the number of hospitals, health centers, treatment centers, medical laboratories and health clinics is increasing. Thus, the purpose of writing this article is to determine the impact of socialization of medical waste on the handling of medical waste in health care facilities. The method used is Literature Review in a way that is used to collect data or sources related to a particular topic that can be obtained from various sources of English-language international journals sourced from the PubMeb database, Google Schola, Semantic Scholar, Emerald Insight. Search results with keywords Socialization, Medical Waste, Handling, Health Service Facilities found 50 journals that match these keywords. A total of 37 journals from journals found according to the search keywords were then screened, 10 journals were excluded because full text articles were not available. Journals that meet the inclusion range of 5 full text journals are reviewed. So the conclusion is that the dissemination of information in health care facilities is very important in providing knowledge and skills for medical professionals, patients and the general public in managing medical waste.
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