Implication of Covid-19 on the Prevalence of Tuberculosis in Gorontalo Regency
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Indonesia was declared to have contracted the Covid-19 disease in 2020. The central, provincial, and district/city governments, even the lowest government, namely the kelurahan/villages have responded, prepared, and took part in it. The type of research used is descriptive research aimed at describing the implications of the Covid-19 pandemic on the prevalence of tuberculosis in Gorontalo Regency. The types and sources of data used are primary and secondary data from the Health Service and its network and related sectors. The key informant is the unit leader and the person in charge of the program. The results of the study describe that the incidence of Covid-19 in Gorontalo Regency began to occur in April 2020, and infected 19 sub-districts and 21 puskesmas areas. The discovery and treatment of tuberculosis declined sharply. Before Covid-19 (2019) the findings and treatment were quite high reaching 85.79%, decreasing to 33.49% in 2020. The death rate increased from 10 people in 2019 to 17 people in 2020 and increased to 35 people in 2021. This is , has implications for the achievement of the national priority program “tuberculosis”. This condition cannot be separated from the enforcement of activity and activity restrictions. The transfer of activity programs in the health sector is more focused on efforts to prevent and control Covid-19. The smart practice of the Limboto Public Health Center, known as POS PERBUKERS, is consistent in improving the findings and treatment of tuberculosis, even though they are in a state of Covid-19 pandemic.
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