Exploration of Facilitators and Barriers Components in the Process Development and Implementation of the Integrated Clinical Pahtway

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Sri Musyrifah
Rini Rachmawaty
Syahrul Syahrul


This study aims to explore the facilitating and constraining components in the process of developing and implementing ICP. The method used an integrative review using the PubMed, Science Direct, ProQuest, Wiley and EBSCO databases and a secondary search for journals limited to the last 10 years and other publication sources related to the topic of writing. 11 studies that were included and based on the results of the analysis of 3 main components that became facilitators and at the same time as obstacles in the process of developing and implementing ICP, namely the managerial component which included the role of hospital leaders managing hospitals and their clinical champions influencing the successful process of implementing ICP, both cultural organizations include an overview an organization that shows the work pattern of officers in the application of ICP as well as functional and technical elements that cover the stages or processes of the implementation of the ICP. The ability to identify the facilitator and obstacle components can determine the implementation strategy.


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Musyrifah, S., Rachmawaty, R. ., & Syahrul, S. . (2022). Exploration of Facilitators and Barriers Components in the Process Development and Implementation of the Integrated Clinical Pahtway. Journal of Asian Multicultural Research for Medical and Health Science Study, 3(3), 56-64. https://doi.org/10.47616/jamrmhss.v3i3.319


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