Factors Associated with Vital Lung Capacity on Road Sweeper Workers
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The decrease level of vital capacity can be restriction, obstruction or both of them. Some factors, like non jobs and environment can lead the decrease level of vital capacity. The goals of this research is knowing all factors that have associated with vital capacity of street sweeper in Kecamatan Medan Denai. The research was conducted on September 2018. The factors of this research are work period, exposure period, mask utilization, employment history, disease history, smoking and sports habits. The total sample of this research are 67 workers. The method of this research was cross sectional. Data was collected by using research instruments such as peak flow meter and questionnaires. The results showed that workers with more than 5 years of service experienced a decrease in KVP as many as 62 people (92.5%) and workers who did not use masks decreased by 53 people (79.1%). Based on the results of statistical tests, it is known that the variables of working period and the use of masks are associated with a decrease in KVP. To reduce the decrease level of street sweeper’s vital capacity, it is recommended that workers are leave the workplace right after the job is done and use mask at work site all the time.
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