Analysis of Waiting Time for Patient Service Using Lean Concept in Outstanding Installations Stella Maris Hospital, Makassar City in 2022

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Nur Miftahul Janna
Hartati S
Aprilia Elly


There is a growing worry among hospitals throughout the globe about the impact of outpatient services, which account for a considerable portion of their total income and are predicted to overtake their inpatient counterparts. As more people seek medical attention in the future, this might lead to more money coming in to the hospitals. The goal of this study is to use the lean concept to assess patient service wait times at Stella Maris Hospital Makassar's outpatient department. Mixed methods were used in the research, which included measuring the wait time for patient services for up to 100 patients and interviewing eight informants, including the head of the outpatient installation, the admission officer, three nurses, and the hospital director, all of whom were interviewed (3 people). Data reduction, data visualization, and conclusion writing were used to examine the respondents' replies. A patient care process flowchart is constructed to evaluate the data's quality. rs had not installed an rs sim, which resulted in long lines at the pick-up counter, doctors being late, and patients being unable to pick up their orders on time. It is also essential that hospital SIMRS be linked to each other throughout the whole facility, that repairs are made, and that the results are quantified and can be used for decision-making purposes.


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How to Cite
Janna, N. M., S, H., & Elly, A. . (2022). Analysis of Waiting Time for Patient Service Using Lean Concept in Outstanding Installations Stella Maris Hospital, Makassar City in 2022. Journal of Asian Multicultural Research for Medical and Health Science Study, 3(1), 59-66.


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