Analysis of the Implementation of Effective Communication on Interprofessional Collaboration in the Inpatient Installation of Hasanuddin University Hospital
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Interprofessional Collaboration (IPC) is the provision of health services carried out by involving various health professional professions and providing comprehensive services, in collaboration with patients, families, groups and communities to provide quality health services. This study aims to analyze the implementation of effective communication on IPC in the Inpatient Installation of Hasanuddin University Hospital. The type of research conducted is qualitative research using a phenomenological approach. Informants/samples in this study were taken by purposive sampling totaling 15 informants. The results of this study indicate that of the 9 effective communication variables in the implementation of IPC in the inpatient installation of Unhas Hospital, there is 1 variable, namely frequent which has not run optimally because it is constrained by the limited time owned by DPJP and feelings of inferiority felt by other professions besides doctors and staff. junior medical. Factors that influence effective communication in the implementation of IPC in the Inpatient Installation of Hasanuddin University Hospital include training and planning factors, technology, reporting and communication patterns, willingness to adapt and accept technology and leadership and administrative support. Factors that cause IPC has not been implemented perfectly are the factors of training and technology. Therefore, it is hoped that the hospital leadership will make special policies related to the implementation of IPC and design a model of IPC implementation that involves all service departments so that it is easy to implement according to hospital conditions.
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